about Sycamore Road Patterns

About Sycamore Road Patterns

Hi there! On this page, you will find the story of how and why Sycamore Road came to be!

Once upon a time, I was deeply entrenched in fast fashion culture. Somehow, my fascination with clothing & style that started at a very young age had turned into something that didn’t feel good at all. At one point, instead of just buying more in hopes of feeling better about it, I decided to change my way of consuming. I started buying more vintage and really investing in pieces that I actually needed. But really, the most important part was buying LESS in general.

So I bought less and consumed more thoughtfully, but that fascination with beautiful clothes never went away. I still loved the way clothes could complement a personality, how it’s a way to express yourself and be creative. I was looking for a way to still wear great pieces, while not contributing to the (fast) fashion industry. I wasn’t really able to afford the sustainable fashion I wanted to wear, and you can’t find everything second hand.

That’s when I realized I could make it myself! I learned how to sew by taking classes and just practicing a lot. It was so much fun, just figuring everything out and discovering this whole community of people that like to make their own clothes. Still, I couldn’t always find exactly the styles I was looking for. I wanted to create the fashion that had been living in my head for modern sewists in a thoughtful way. And that’s how Sycamore Road was born! Together with an experienced pattern maker, I create timeless pieces you will love making & wearing. This takes time, so I will slowly add styles when they are ready.

Making your own clothing gives us a better understanding of the time and energy it really takes. Fast fashion is so cheap because the makers and the environment pay the price, ultimately. Sycamore Road Patterns is my way of making others aware of the amount of love and attention it takes to make clothing – and therefore see the real value of clothes. What you see on this website is the result of my passion for creating a beautiful and sustainable wardrobe with you!

I hope you have fun looking around and learning to sew!

